INDEX gaming

Knytt Stories

Knytt stories is a classic indie platformer, the main notable thing is the level editor and the custom levels. Here are some of my recommendations: Advena by PurpleInk Red Flower by GBoots Carriage Return Line Feed by ncrecc tana by the machinist Don't Eat The Mushroom by UncleSporky There are some older ones I played that I cant remember right now, I might add them later. I also made a short level myself last yearcalled Knytt Snow Level, downloadable here I do recommend you check out, though you'll probably have to look for a while to find the really interesting levels.

Katana ZERO

A game I played a lot recently, I'm not a huge fan of the cyberpunk aesthetic but I did have fun playing this. My first playthrough just felt like kind of a drag though, after you get the hang of it it starts being more fun It's become something I play to kill time or try to clear my head, one of those things. I can't say that a lot in it is ultra deep or significant The story had a few moments I liked, such as the withdrawal period with the scene in the church, overall though the storys not that interesting Compared to Hotline Miami, I would say +the gameplay is more fun -the soundtrack is good but not quite as good ~both games have kind of a mediocre story The secret boss, I will add, was also mildly disappointing. I didn't get the sense that the secret boss was an intersting character in the end, and gameplay wise it felt like a generic nintendo boss on lunatic mode, eh.

Kirby's dream land 2

It's really cute, especially the second stage . The second stage music and the cute gameplay are cute I've been trying to figure out what makes it "work" but thats actually more difficult than it seems Voring is pretty fun, the last stage theme is cool. Listen to this remix, its great


I played this game a lot in the past. I have a lot of memories, I could talk for hours about, but I won't right now It's weird how things that used to be very significant in your life just go away Its how I spent most of my teenage years, playing minecraft and watching cartoons. Do I regret wasting time? Not really, though I regret not taking a little time aside to try new things After some years slowly getting bored of it like everything else, all I did was wander around my old worlds and on old servers. Not actually playing the game, not really doing anything. After a while, the nostalgia faded, but I kept walking around because it felt familiar