[death] In the past year, there have been many times where I thought I was going to die soon, either because of anxiety of because of suicidal ideations You know, I'm afraid what's keeping me alive is not the things I have, but the things I don't have. I always feel like I'm not enough, replaceable, worthless. "I can't die yet, I haven't done "x"! I havent made enough memories, etc." Because honstly, there isn't a lot in life I enjoy anymore I could talk about this a lot, but really I don't want to right now One way to summarize, that I lack that "something" other people have. Something that makes them interesting, that gives them originality. I feel like some people are dishonest with everyone and themselves without realizing it. sidenote that is sometimes used to manipulate people "you KNOW you actually feel like THIS(the way I want you to think) but you can't admit it!" ah, whatever
[wrong] speaking of wrong, do you feel like you constantly make mistakes all the time? Well, right now I'm a little more confident. Here's a cool song, Opening 1 of the anime ruroini kenshin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4JUZhF9Kx8 You know what really matters to me? A few songs, games, animations. Mostly things from my past that I keep replaying over and over, as well as some other things, lying in my room I don't care about the outside, I don't care about people I can only tolerate communicating with a few like minded internet individuals in an indirect way like this And you know, I sometimes come across a website or a comment or post that I connect with, and that meant alot to me, I guess thats one of the reasons why doing this
[Hello] ... I don't have a lot to say, I guess. I don't ever talk to anyone eeeeeehehhehhhhh FUCK Well, I'll just tell you whats going on. I'm working on a game and on music. Theres a lot to say about that. yeas. I don't think I want to post it until it's "finished" though By the way. I need to remember something, this website is not supposed to have a consistent theme. That way I cant get stuck on something wrong